Leanwatts https://leanwatts.com Wed, 22 May 2024 12:07:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://leanwatts.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/cropped-ll-32x32.webp Leanwatts https://leanwatts.com 32 32 Empowering India’s EV Future: The Crucial Role of Voting https://leanwatts.com/empowering-indias-ev-future-the-crucial-role-of-voting/ Wed, 22 May 2024 12:07:00 +0000 https://leanwatts.com/?p=2502

In the bustling streets of India’s cities, a silent revolution is underway – one powered not by traditional engines but by the quiet hum of electric vehicles (EVs). As the world embraces sustainability and seeks alternatives to fossil fuels, EVs have emerged as a beacon of hope for a greener tomorrow. At the heart of this transition lies the power of democracy, with voting catalysing shaping policies that will drive India’s EV future forward.

As we witness the rapid proliferation of EVs across the globe, it’s clear that they represent more than just a mode of transportation. They embody a shift towards cleaner energy and a commitment to combating climate change. With zero tailpipe emissions and lower operational costs, EVs offer a compelling solution to India’s pressing environmental and economic challenges.

At LeanWatts, we recognize the pivotal role that EV charging infrastructure plays in accelerating this transition. Our mission is to empower individuals and businesses with reliable and efficient charging solutions, making EV ownership accessible to all. However, the realisation of this vision hinges not only on technological innovation but also on supportive government policies.

The Power of Democracy:

In a democratic society like India, every vote cast has the potential to shape the nation’s future. By electing leaders who prioritise sustainable development and understand the importance of investing in EV infrastructure, voters can pave the way for a thriving EV ecosystem.

As constituents, we have the responsibility to demand action on issues that matter to us, including the transition to cleaner transportation. By engaging with policymakers, advocating for EV-friendly policies, and participating in local decision-making processes, we can ensure that our voices are heard.

Moreover, voting serves as a powerful signal to the business community and investors. A government committed to promoting EV adoption sends a clear message that the market for clean transportation is not only viable but also lucrative. 

This, in turn, encourages private sector investment in EV manufacturing, charging infrastructure, and related technologies, driving innovation and driving down costs.

Casting Informed Ballots:

As we approach the upcoming elections, let us remember the profound impact that our votes can have on India’s EV future. By casting our ballots thoughtfully and holding our elected officials accountable, we can accelerate the transition to sustainable transportation and build a brighter, cleaner future for generations to come.

Together, let’s harness the power of democracy to drive India’s EV revolution forward. At LeanWatts, we remain committed to supporting this journey by providing cutting-edge EV charging solutions and advocating for policies that enable widespread EV adoption. Join us in shaping a cleaner, greener India through the power of your vote.

The Future is Electric & Intelligence: AI x EV  https://leanwatts.com/the-future-is-electric-intelligence-ai-x-ev/ Wed, 22 May 2024 11:58:18 +0000 https://leanwatts.com/?p=2499

The EV Revolution Charges Forward with AI-Powered Efficiency

The transportation landscape is undergoing a thrilling transformation. Electric vehicles (EVs) are surging in popularity,promising a cleaner and more sustainable future. But the story doesn’t end there. Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to become the ultimate co-pilot for EVs, unlocking a new era of intelligent mobility.

A Symbiotic Evolution: AI and EVs

While EVs address environmental concerns by reducing emissions, they face challenges like limited range and long charging times. AI swoops in to solve these issues and become an integral part of the EV experience. Here’s how this symbiotic relationship plays out:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: AI algorithms can become expert energy managers for your EV. By analyzing driving patterns, traffic conditions, and weather data in real-time, they can optimize battery usage and maximize range.Imagine your car constantly learning and adapting to give you the most efficient ride possible. Whether you’re battling city stop-and-go traffic or cruising down the highway, AI will ensure you get the most out of every kilowatt-hour.
  • Predictive Maintenance: No more surprise trips to the mechanic! AI can transform car maintenance from reactive to proactive. By continuously monitoring vehicle data from various sensors, it can predict potential problems before they occur. This allows for preventative maintenance, extending the lifespan of your EV and reducing the risk of breakdowns. Imagine your car intelligently notifying you when a component needs attention, giving you time to schedule a service appointment at your convenience.
  • Autonomous Driving Revolution: The dream of self-driving cars is inching closer to reality, fueled by advancements in AI. AI is crucial for autonomous vehicles to navigate complex environments. It allows them to interpret road signs, understand traffic signals, and make real-time decisions based on the ever-changing conditions on the road. This could revolutionize transportation, offering a safer and more convenient driving experience for everyone.

A Smarter Ecosystem

The impact of AI x EV extends beyond individual vehicles. Imagine a future where our transportation infrastructure becomes an intelligent ecosystem:

  • Smart Charging Infrastructure: No more range anxiety! AI can optimize charging networks, directing EVs to available stations and ensuring efficient energy distribution. Imagine a future where charging stations are dynamically priced based on demand, incentivizing off-peak charging and preventing grid overload.
  • Personalized Mobility Solutions: Your AI assistant, becoming your personal mobility guru. AI can analyze your travel patterns and suggest the most efficient route, taking into account not just traffic congestion but also charging station availability and even public transport options based on your real-time needs and preferences. Imagine a world where your car suggests alternative routes to avoid traffic jams, reminds you to plug in before a long trip, and even seamlessly integrates with public transport options for the most efficient journey possible.

The Road Ahead

The future of transportation is undeniably electric and intelligent. The synergy between AI and EVs has the potential to revolutionize the way we travel, making it cleaner, safer, and more efficient. As AI continues to evolve and EV technology advances, we can expect even more exciting developments that will transform our daily commutes and long-distance journeys.

Call to Action

This future of intelligent and sustainable mobility is not just a dream; it’s on the horizon. What are your thoughts on the role of AI in EVs? Share your insights in the comments below! Let’s keep the conversation going about the exciting possibilities that lie ahead for the transportation industry.

Gen Z and Electric Vehicles: A Match Made in Sustainable Heaven https://leanwatts.com/gen-z-and-electric-vehicles-a-match-made-in-sustainable-heaven/ Wed, 22 May 2024 11:51:59 +0000 https://leanwatts.com/?p=2496

The automotive industry is undergoing a seismic shift, driven in part by a generation that prioritizes both innovation and environmental responsibility: Generation Z. This tech-savvy demographic sees electric vehicles (EVs) as more than just a new mode of transportation; they represent a lifestyle choice that aligns perfectly with their values.

Environmental Consciousness at the Wheel

Gen Z has grown up acutely aware of the environmental challenges facing our planet. Climate change is a constant concern, and they are actively seeking solutions. EVs resonate with this generation because they offer a cleaner alternative to traditional vehicles. By reducing carbon emissions, Gen Z can make a tangible difference in the fight against climate change with every drive.

Tech Integration: EVs as Rolling Gadgets

Having come of age in a digital world, Gen Z craves cutting-edge technology. EVs deliver in spades, boasting features like smart connectivity, advanced driver-assistance systems, and even glimpses into the future of autonomous driving. These features transform the car from a means of transport into a rolling extension of their digital lives.

Aligning Values with Socially Responsible Choices

Social responsibility is another core value for Gen Z. They actively seek out brands and products that share their commitment to positive societal impact. Choosing an EV allows them to support businesses that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices. This empowers Gen Z to contribute to a global movement towards a more responsible future.

Cost-Effectiveness: EVs Make Financial Sense

As Gen Z enters the workforce, financial realities come into play. The economic benefits of EVs are undeniable. Lower operating costs, including reduced need for fuelgas and potentially lower maintenance requirements, make EVs an attractive option. Additionally, government incentives in many regions further sweeten the deal.

Urban Mobility: EVs Fit the City Lifestyle

Many Gen Z individuals gravitate towards urban living and embrace shared mobility solutions. The compact nature of many EVs aligns perfectly with this preference. Electric scooters, bikes, and smaller EVs offer convenient and flexible transportation options for navigating city streets.

A Symbiotic Relationship: EVs and Gen Z Fueling Each Other

The relationship between Gen Z and EVs is symbiotic. Gen Z’s values and preferences drive the adoption of EVs, while EVs cater to their needs and aspirations. This creates a positive feedback loop, accelerating the development and mainstream adoption of sustainable transportation solutions.

Recommendations: The Road Ahead for EVs and Gen Z

The enthusiastic embrace of EVs by Gen Z presents a tremendous opportunity for the automotive industry. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Focus on Tech Integration: Highlight the cutting-edge technology within EVs, showcasing their appeal as mobile tech hubs.
  • Emphasize Sustainability: Clearly communicate the environmental benefits of EVs, allowing Gen Z to express their eco-consciousness through their choice of vehicle.
  • Personalization is Key: Offer customization options to cater to Gen Z’s desire for individuality.
  • Embrace Disruption: Position EVs as instruments of positive change, aligning with Gen Z’s drive to reshape the world for the better.

By understanding the unique perspective of Gen Z and the factors driving their interest in EVs, the automotive industry can create targeted marketing strategies and develop vehicles that cater to their specific needs and aspirations. This, in turn, will accelerate the transition towards a cleaner, more sustainable future for transportation.

Leanwatts: Powering the Future of Mobility

At Leanwatts, we are dedicated to providing innovative solutions for the EV industry. We offer a comprehensive range of EV battery charger development and manufacturing services, tailored to the specific needs of our clients. We believe in the power of EVs to transform transportation, and we are committed to supporting the industry in meeting the demands of Gen Z and future generations.

This blog post is brought to you by Leanwatts, your partner in developing and manufacturing the next generation of EV charging solutions.

Source: https://www.delvens.com/innovation/the-equation-for-genz-electric-vehicles-evs 

Powering the Future: A Look Inside EV Batteries https://leanwatts.com/powering-the-future-a-look-inside-ev-batteries/ Wed, 22 May 2024 11:06:53 +0000 https://leanwatts.com/?p=2491

Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly changing the transportation landscape. But what fuels these clean machines? The answer lies in the heart of the EV: the battery. In this first part of our EV battery series, we’ll delve into the basics – what types of batteries that power EVs, how they work, and the key components that make them tick.


Under the Hood: Unveiling EV Battery Types

While Lithium-Ion batteries dominate EVs due to their high capacity, older hybrid electric vehicles sometimes relied on Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries which offered more power than Lead-Acid batteries but had a memory effect. Lead-Acid batteries, known for their affordability and established technology, are bulky and less energy-dense compared to NiMH, making them more suited for starter batteries in gasoline vehicles. Let’s explore the different EV types that utilise these batteries:

  • Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs): These are fully electric, powered solely by electricity stored in the battery. Charging is done by plugging them into a wall outlet or a dedicated EV charger.
  • Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs): PHEVs offer a hybrid approach, combining an electric motor and a gasoline engine. They can operate solely on electricity for shorter distances but also have a gas engine for longer trips.
  • Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs): Similar to PHEVs, HEVs use both electricity and gasoline. However, HEVs cannot be plugged in for charging. Their batteries rely on the gasoline engine for power generation, making them less efficient than BEVs and PHEVs.

Why Lithium-Ion?

So, what makes lithium-ion batteries the kingpins of EVs? It boils down to several key advantages:

  • High Energy Density: They store a significant amount of electrical energy in a compact and lightweight package, crucial for vehicle range.
  • Temperature Resilience: They perform well in both hot and cold environments, ensuring reliable operation in various climates.
  • Low Self-Discharge: They retain their charge well even when not in use, minimizing energy loss during storage.
  • Charge Cycle Life: They can withstand numerous charge and discharge cycles while maintaining most of their initial capacity.

Unveiling the Inner Workings: A Peek Inside a Lithium-Ion Battery


At its core, a lithium-ion battery functions by storing and releasing electrical energy through the movement of electrons. Here’s a breakdown of the magic that happens inside:

  • Electrons on the Move: Electrons flow from a negative electrode (anode) to a positive electrode (cathode) through an electrolyte – a liquid or solid medium. This movement creates electricity.
  • Charging vs Discharging: When the battery is in use (discharging), electrons move from the anode to the cathode. During charging, the process reverses, with electrons flowing back from the cathode to the anode.
  • The Separator: This crucial membrane keeps the anode and cathode separate while allowing lithium ions to pass through, preventing short circuits.

Think of it like this: Imagine an electron as a person taking a bus to buy groceries (electricity). The anode is their home, the cathode is the grocery store, and the electrolyte is the bus. The separator ensures they get there safely without any wrong turns!

Within the realm of lithium-ion batteries, two main types dominate the EV scene: Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide (NMC) and Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP). Each has its own strengths and weaknesses:

FeatureNMC BatteriesLFP Batteries
Energy DensityHigherLower
Temperature ToleranceBetter in cold weatherBetter in hot weather
MaterialsMore expensive (cobalt, nickel, manganese)Less expensive (iron)
RecyclingMore likely to be recycledLess likely to be recycled

Remember: There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to EV batteries. It’s a balancing act of factors like energy density, cost, and lifespan.

Charging EV Li-ion Batteries efficiently

Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers ensure the efficient charging of lithium-ion batteries through intelligent communication and management systems. They adjust the charging power dynamically, optimising the charging speed while preventing damage due to overheating or overcharging. Best EV chargers typically employ a multi-stage charging process to ensure the battery is charged safely at the maximum safe current while maintaining a specific voltage without experiencing undue stress.

Additionally, many EVs feature a Battery Management System (BMS) that monitors the battery’s temperature, voltage, and current during charging. The BMS works in tandem with the charger to regulate these factors, ensuring the battery charges at optimal conditions, which extends its lifespan and maintains its performance.

The Building Blocks: Essential Minerals

Lithium-ion batteries rely on a specific blend of minerals, including lithium, cobalt, manganese, nickel, and graphite. In the next part of our EV battery series, we’ll delve deeper into the origins of these critical minerals and explore how to ensure a just, equitable, and sustainable supply chain for the future of electric mobility.

Stay tuned for more fascinating insights into the world of EV batteries!

Understand the decodes of batteries, one step at a time. 

From Fumes to Future: India’s EV Revolution https://leanwatts.com/from-fumes-to-future-indias-ev-revolution/ Wed, 22 May 2024 06:15:32 +0000 https://leanwatts.com/?p=2488 Introduction

In India, EVs are becoming more and more popular. Stepping outside, we are spotting more green number plates than ever.

Here’s a quick look at how things are with EVs in India today:

  • Baby Steps: While millions of cars and scooters zoom around India, EVs are still a small bunch. As of 2023, only about 72,000 electric four-wheeler vehicles were registered in the whole country, and overall EVs accounted for 6.4% of total auto sales in India. 
  • Growing Up Fast: Even though EVs are new, they’re catching on quickly. In 2023, sales were almost double what they were the year before! 
  • Scooter Power: Most EVs in India are actually two-wheelers, like electric scooters. In fact, they make up over half of all EVs on the road! Imagine a whole bunch of your friends whizzing silently on their electric scooters.
  • Government Push: the Indian government has a program called “EV30@30” with the ambitious goal of having electric vehicles make up 30% of all vehicle sales by 2030. To achieve this, they also aim to significantly increase the number of charging stations across the country. 

There is a new scheme named Electric Mobility Promotion Scheme (EMPS) 2024. The Indian government aims to bridge the gap left by the FAME II (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles) scheme, which ended in March 2024. 

Similar to FAME II, EMPS offers subsidies for the purchase of electric two-wheelers (e2Ws) and three-wheelers (e3Ws) to promote their adoption, provide further impetus to the green mobility and development of electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing ecosystem in the country. 

New EV policy 2024

In a move to propel India’s position in the global electric vehicle (EV) landscape, the government has unveiled a strategic new policy. It aims to achieve a dual objective: fostering India’s emergence as a prime manufacturing hub for EVs and accelerating the nation’s transition towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.

It offers reduced import duties for high-value EVs and incentivizes domestic production with minimum value addition requirements. This policy seeks to attract global players, boost innovation with features like reduced duty on imports, maximum import allowance and bank guarantees

Challenges currently

  1. Charging Infrastructure Gap:  While EV sales are growing, the number of charging stations in India lags far behind. This can cause “range anxiety” for potential EV owners, who worry about finding a place to charge their vehicles, especially on long journeys. One estimate suggests that India will need around 46,397 charging stations by 2030 to meet this target. This would create a ratio of roughly one station for every 20 electric vehicles. This is a significant improvement from the current situation, where there is only about one charging station for every 135 EVs.
  1. Higher Upfront Cost: Compared to traditional gasoline vehicles, EVs currently have a higher upfront cost. This can be a barrier for many potential buyers, especially considering the lower running costs of EVs are not always factored in.
  1. Limited Battery Range: Although improving, the range of most EVs on a single charge is still less than that of gasoline vehicles. This can limit their practicality for long-distance travel or for people who need a car with a large operating radius.

Talking future

Imagine this: you’re stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, inching forward like a snail on a sugar rush. Everyone’s windows are rolled up, the ACs are blasting, and the only sound is a cacophony of honking that could wake the dead. Suddenly, a sleek electric scooter glides past you silently, leaving behind a cool breeze and a smug grin from the rider. That, my friend, is the future of India, and it’s looking electric (and a whole lot breezier)!

India’s EV sector is like a young cheetah – full of potential and ready to sprint ahead. But the electric revolution isn’t just about cars and scooters; it’s poised to energise various sectors and transform the nation’s future. Buckle up, as we explore how India’s electric dream will ripple across different industries:

  • Power Grid Transformation:  EVs will act as a catalyst for a smarter power grid. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind will be integrated with charging infrastructure, creating a cleaner and more sustainable energy ecosystem.
  • Manufacturing Powerhouse:  India has the potential to become a global hub for EV manufacturing. This will not only create jobs but also boost the country’s technological prowess, making it a leader in the future of mobility.
  • Logistics Revolution:  Think “electric trucks” zooming down highways, silently delivering goods in a greener way.  EV adoption in the logistics sector will improve efficiency, reduce emissions, and pave the way for cleaner, more sustainable transportation of goods.
  • Public Transportation Recharge:  Electric buses and rickshaws will become a familiar sight on Indian streets.  This will not only improve air quality in cities but also provide cleaner and more affordable public transportation options for everyone.
  • Urban Rejuvenation:  With fewer noisy gas guzzlers, Indian cities will transform into quieter, more breathable spaces. Imagine enjoying a stroll in the park without the constant drone of traffic – a blissful future powered by electric dreams!


EVs will act as a catalyst for a smarter grid, integrating renewables like solar and wind with charging infrastructure. India has the potential to become a global EV manufacturing hub. 

Companies like Tata Power and Mahindra Group are paving the way while established players like Maruti Suzuki are investing heavily, and  startups like Ather Energy, Ola are pushing the  boundaries. Companies like Exicom TeleSystems, Magenta ChargeGrid and Charzer are developing robust charging infrastructure for logistics fleets. 

The benefits of India’s EV revolution will extend beyond these sectors. It will attract green investments, promote innovation, and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.  India’s electric dream is not just about transportation; it’s about shaping a cleaner, brighter future for the entire nation.

India’s EV Supply Chain & Value Addition https://leanwatts.com/indias-ev-supply-chain-value-addition/ Tue, 21 May 2024 12:18:34 +0000 https://leanwatts.com/?p=2480 India’s electric vehicle (EV) industry is rapidly transforming. Let’s explore the current state of India’s EV supply chain and value addition, highlighting government efforts to propel India towards becoming a global leader in clean transportation. Dive in to discover the opportunities and challenges on the road to an electrified future!

EV Industry in India – Current Scenario

  • Open Arms to Investment: With 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) permitted, new production facilities are springing up, and efforts to improve charging infrastructure are gaining momentum.
  • Government Thrust: The government is playing a key role through subsidies, policies promoting discounts for Indian-made electric two-wheelers, and initiatives like the PLI scheme to incentivize the production of EVs and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The total EV sales reached 1.53 million in 2023, up from 1.02 million in 2022, which shows a high rate of EV adoption.
  • Aspiring for Global Leadership:  India, currently the world’s fifth-largest automobile sector, aims to be the third by 2030. To achieve this, a shift towards “Shared, Connected, and Electric” mobility is underway, with the ambitious target of achieving 100% electrification by 2030.

Current EV localisation dynamics in India

Battery costs account for 30-40% of the electric vehicles cost and India is dependent on imported cells and raw materials . While government initiatives aim to boost domestic cell production, the process will be slow due to investment needs and technical challenges. This gap between demand and supply suggests continued reliance on cell imports in the long run, further complicated by OEMs’ existing contracts with global manufacturers.

Other Key Components for EVs:

Components related to electric vehicles’ electrical and electronic systems, including electric motors, power electronics, EV electrical architecture, and enhanced infotainment features, represent 15-20% of the total bill of materials (BoM) cost for the vehicle

  • Electric Motors: BLDC motors that are locally manufactured rely heavily on Chinese imports for child parts. High-value motors like PMSM are still under development in India.
  • Power Electronics: According to PwC estimates, high-voltage power electronics make up approximately 6-10% of the cost of an EV. For critical components like connectors, contactors, relays, and DC-DC converters, the majority of global supplies are dominated by China and Taiwan. Proprietary components including BMS, motor control units (MCUs) and VCUs, etc. need sub-components like IC (semiconductor chips), electronic child parts, TIMs, printed circuit boards (PCBs) which are again imported by Indian OEMs. There is dependence on China for fulfilling Controller area network (CAN) integration and testing requirements as well.
  • Software: Software development for EVs is growing but localization is difficult without tier-1 support or in-house capabilities. Testing and flashing are increasingly done locally. OEMs are building capabilities on software to control performance and regular updates

Challenges on the Road: Hurdles to Jump

Building a strong domestic supply chain isn’t a joyride. 

Here are the main roadblocks:

  • Fragmented Ecosystem: Components such as advanced chemistry batteries, electric motors, power electronics, and software, which were not part of traditional setups, constitute approximately 50-60% of the system. Most of the components are not available in India and multiple small player trading make collaboration and quality control challenging
  • Skill Gap: The future is electric, but are we skilled up for it? The industry needs a workforce trained in handling the complexities of EV component manufacturing. Bridging this skill gap is crucial.
  • Tech Hurdles: While India is a powerhouse in IT, significant investment in research and development (R&D) and manufacturing capabilities in powertrain components is required to achieve domestic production at scale.
  • Raw Material Access: Securing a steady supply of critical raw materials is crucial for long-term EV production sustainability.
  • Financing Infrastructure: Developing a network of loans and incentives is crucial to make EVs more affordable for manufacturers and consumers.

From Imports to Innovation: Building a Self-Reliant EV Ecosystem

The Indian government’s INR 10,000 Crore FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles) scheme has provided a significant boost to EVs over the last few years. Large-scale investments are planned by major players like Mahindra & Mahindra, Maruti Suzuki, Tata Motors, Hero Electric, and Toyota, supported by government initiatives like:

  • E-mobility Manufacturing Incentives: Encouraging industry participation through production incentives.
  • Purchase Incentives: Lowering the cost of EVs for consumers through new EV policies and subsidies.
  • FAME I & FAME II Schemes: Providing financial assistance for EV adoption. Fame II is replaced with EMPS now  
  • Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Schemes:  Attracting investments in advanced automotive technology and high-value components.
  • Scrappage Policy: Encouraging the replacement of older vehicles with newer, cleaner models.
  • Enhanced Charging Infrastructure: Building a robust network of charging stations to address range anxiety.
  • Reduced GST on EVs: Making electric vehicles more affordable.
  • New EV Policy 2024: The Indian government has introduced a new electric vehicle (EV) policy offering import duty benefits to firms that invest at least USD 500 million in establishing manufacturing facilities within the country. This initiative is designed to attract leading international companies, including Tesla from the United States, to expand their production bases to India.

What Can the Industry Do More to Strengthen the EV Supply Chain?

The government is providing the spark, but industry players need to work together to turn it into a blazing fire. Here’s what needs to happen:


  • Joining Forces: Imagine a Tesla shaking hands with a Mahindra! Collaboration between established manufacturers, nimble startups, and research institutions is key to accelerating innovation and technology development in core EV components. Establish specialised project management offices with cross-functional teams to streamline localization efforts and ensure successful product launches in international markets.
  • Skilling Up the Workforce: The future workforce needs to be EV-ready. Investing in skill development programs can create a generation of technicians equipped to handle the intricacies of EV production.
  • Quality Matters: Just like you wouldn’t trust a faulty charger with your prized EV, a strong focus on quality control throughout the supply chain is essential. This will not only enhance the reputation of Indian-made EV components but also ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Consolidation: Consider consolidation among smaller players to create larger, more competitive entities within the supply chain.
  • Design for local production: Embed teardowns (analysing competitor products) and benchmarking practices throughout the design phase to optimise products for cost-effective local manufacturing.
  • Enhance internal capabilities: Focus on developing internal expertise in software and power electronics to ensure these aspects are fully adaptable for different regions during localization.
  • Control critical components: Establish control towers to monitor critical components like semiconductors and rare earth materials, enabling proactive management of import costs and potential supply chain disruptions.
  • Boost return on investment (ROI): Collaborate with existing suppliers and identify emerging local players to leverage existing relationships and foster a strong local supply base, ultimately increasing return on investment.

Leanwatts: Powering the Journey

As an EV tech company providing charging solutions, Leanwatts is right in the thick of things. We’re committed to:

  • Reducing Reliance on Imports: By developing a home-grown supply chain and manufacturing innovative EV charging solutions in India, Leanwatts is helping to cut down on import dependence. This not only benefits the economy but also strengthens the domestic supply chain.
  • Pushing the Limits on Quality and Efficiency: In house R&D facility at Leanwatts churns out cutting-edge hardware and firmware. We focus on delivering high-quality, reliable, efficient and custom-made EV charging solutions that are designed and made in India

The Road Ahead: A Collective Charge

Building a robust domestic EV supply chain demands a collective effort. By working together industry leaders, and research institutions can address the existing challenges, leverage government initiatives, and turn India into a powerhouse of EV technology. Not only will this power India’s own EV revolution, but it also has the potential to make India a global leader in clean mobility solutions. So, buckle up, the future of electric mobility is electrifying!

Navigating the Electric Vehicle Charging Landscape: Trends and Challenges https://leanwatts.com/leanwatts-charger-2/ Wed, 03 Apr 2024 16:04:11 +0000 https://social-commune.com/lw/?p=1133 The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is gaining momentum globally, with countries like China, the United States, and Europe leading the charge. However, the success of this transformation hinges on various factors, including the development of a robust, efficient and cost-effective charging ecosystem. As we navigate this rapidly evolving landscape, it’s crucial to stay informed about key industry trends and challenges.

Key Trends:

  • Diversification of Charger Types: The growing range and types of EVs necessitate a diverse range of chargers which are AC & DC 
  • AC chargers: Most of the charging stations in India are AC chargers. They safely deliver AC power to the vehicle’s onboard charger, which converts it to DC for the battery.  Commonly found in homes, offices, malls and parking lots etc, where charging can be done for long hours as AC chargers are slow compared to DC. The power rating for 2-wheeler and 3-wheeler chargers goes up to 3.3 KW and  for 4-wheeler typically between 3.3KW-7.2KW
  • DC chargers: These are super-fast and charging stations are often found on highways for long trips. They deliver DC power directly to the car’s battery, making them ideal for quick charging on the go. For 4-wheelers, these chargers come in two standardsDC001 with up to 25kW power rating and Combined Charging System combo 2 (CCS2) supporting both AC and DC charging with power rating ranging from 25 kW to 350 kW. For Light Electric vehicles ( 2-wheelers and 3-wheelers), DC charging standards and gun type vary from OEM to OEM and the power rating ranges from 0.5kw to 3kw for slow charging and 3kw to 15kw for fast charging. 
  • Focus on Public Charging Infrastructure: Expanding public charging infrastructure is critical to combat range anxiety and encourage wider EV adoption. Governments and private companies are collaborating to install charging stations in strategic locations like highways, parking lots, and shopping centres.
  • Smart Charging: The integration of smart charging technology allows for optimised energy usage, grid stability, and dynamic pricing models. This empowers consumers to charge their EVs at cheaper rates during off-peak hours and contributes to a more sustainable electricity grid. While charge point operators (CPOs) install, manage, maintain, and operate public charging stations, many Charging Management Software startups are providing services such as energy management, fleet management, hardware and load monitoring, payments etc.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Manufacturing of chargers
    • Challenges: Dependence on imports and Complete Knock-Down(CKD) kits ( unassembled parts of a product)  will cause Supply chain vulnerabilities, quality and standards compliance issues. There are also Supply chain constraints in procuring electronic child components
    • Considerations: Economies of scale are required to meet the ever-growing demands and cost requirements. Setting up large-scale vertically integrated factories that have control over the entire supply chain will optimise cost and quality. Upgrading the power electronics core technologies with indigenous R & D and using advanced materials like GAN and SIC semiconductors, such that products are waterproof, weatherproof, and suitable for Indian grid conditions.
  • Infrastructure and Availability:
    • Challenge: Insufficient number of charging stations, especially fast chargers, particularly in rural areas or along highways.
    • Consideration: Expanding charging infrastructure through government incentives, private investments, and focusing on strategic locations.
  • Charging Speed and Time:
    • Challenge: Slower charging speeds compared to refuelling gasoline vehicles, impacting user convenience and trip planning.
    • Consideration: Investing in faster-charging technologies like DC fast chargers and improving grid capacity to support them.
  • Grid Capacity and Stability:
    • Challenge: The increased demand for EV charging can overwhelm existing grids, leading to potential overloading and power outages.
    • Consideration: Upgrading grid infrastructure to handle higher capacity, integrating renewable energy sources, and implementing smart grid technologies for efficient energy management.

The Way Forward:

India’s EV market currently has limited capabilities for charging EVs. However, going forward, public fast charging, complemented by AC chargers of capacity ranging from 3-22kW and DC chargers ranging from 3kw to 50kw at workplaces, shopping malls, and restaurants will be needed to support the charging infrastructure in India. For a diverse country like India, a holistic approach that explores all options to improve the accessibility of reliable and cost-effective charging technologies and infrastructure is crucial.

LeanWatt’s Opinion on India’s EV Sector: Production Capacity, Government Targets, and Market Performance https://leanwatts.com/leanwatts-charger/ Wed, 03 Apr 2024 16:03:33 +0000 https://social-commune.com/lw/?p=1134 India is experiencing a surge in electric vehicle (EV) adoption, driven by government incentives, rising fuel prices, and growing environmental concerns. This blog post will delve into the current state of India’s EV sector, exploring production capacity, government targets, and market performance, and how LeanWatt, a leading EV charger manufacturer, is positioned to contribute to this exciting transformation.

Production Capacity on the Rise

The Indian government has set ambitious targets to boost domestic EV production. As of August 1, 2023, over 753,000 electric two-wheelers have been sold under the FAME II scheme, a testament to the growing demand for EVs. Several Indian companies, including Hero Electric, Mahindra & Mahindra, and Tata Motors, are actively involved in EV manufacturing, contributing to the country’s production capacity.

Government Targets: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future

The Indian government has set a target of having EVs account for 30% of new vehicle sales by 2030. This ambitious goal is backed by various initiatives, including the FAME II scheme, which provides subsidies for EV manufacturers and buyers. These incentives are creating a favorable environment for EV adoption, attracting investments and accelerating the growth of the EV sector.

Market Performance: A Promising Future

The Indian EV market is witnessing exponential growth, driven by increasing consumer awareness, environmental consciousness, and government support. The two-wheeler segment is currently leading the charge, with over 753,000 electric two-wheelers sold under the FAME II scheme as of August 1, 2023. The four-wheeler segment is also gaining traction, with major manufacturers launching new EV models to cater to the growing demand.

LeanWatt: Powering the EV Revolution

At LeanWatt, we are committed to playing a pivotal role in India’s EV revolution. We design and manufacture high-quality, efficient, and reliable EV chargers, catering to the diverse needs of EV users. Our comprehensive portfolio includes AC and DC chargers, suitable for homes, workplaces, and public charging stations.

We believe that widespread EV adoption is crucial for creating a sustainable future. Through our innovative charging solutions, we aim to empower individuals and businesses to make the switch to EVs, contributing to a cleaner and greener tomorrow.

Source:  www.india-briefing.com/news/indias-prospects-as-an-ev-hub-consumer-market-and-production-capacity-30157.html/

Powering LEVs Efficiently and Safely – (1/n) https://leanwatts.com/powering-levs-efficiently-and-safely-1-n/ Wed, 03 Apr 2024 16:02:08 +0000 https://leanwatts.com/?p=2287 This is a part of a series of blogs about how power conversion works, with a focus on Light Electric Vehicle (LEV) chargers.

Topic: Exploring the World of Power Converters in EV Chargers

Welcome to our technology blog series where we delve into the fascinating world of power conversion in EV chargers. In this series, we will unravel the complexities behind the technology that drives EV chargers and shed light on the critical role of power converters in this ecosystem. From understanding the basics of power conversion to exploring advanced concepts and future trends, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of this vital component. Our focus in this series will be about light electric vehicles (LEVs).

Types of Form Factors for DC Chargers in LEVs: 

When it comes to charging LEVs such as e-bicycles, e-scooters, e-motorcycles, e-autos, and light electric pickup trucks, different form factors of DC chargers cater to the diverse charging needs of these vehicles. Let’s explore the three main types of form factors: portable chargers, onboard chargers, and public chargers.

  1. Portable Chargers: Portable chargers are designed for convenience and mobility. These compact and lightweight chargers allow users to charge their LEVs wherever a power source is available. Portable chargers are typically smaller in power capacity and can be easily carried in a backpack or stored in a vehicle’s storage compartment. They provide a practical solution for on-the-go charging, ensuring that LEV owners can top up their vehicle’s battery whenever needed. The power rating of portable chargers typically ranges from 100W to 3.3kW and these chargers take 1 – 8 hrs to charge an LEV. 
  2. Onboard Chargers: Onboard chargers are integrated directly into the LEV’s structure, typically mounted near the vehicle’s battery pack. These chargers are designed to provide a seamless charging experience without the need for external chargers. Onboard chargers are often customized to fit the specific voltage and power requirements of the LEV. They offer the advantage of convenience and eliminate the need for carrying an additional charger. The power rating of onboard chargers typically ranges from 100W to 3.3kW and these chargers take 1 – 8 hrs to charge an LEV.
  3. Public Chargers: Public chargers (often referred to as DC fast chargers) are strategically located charging stations that cater to the charging needs of LEVs in public spaces. These chargers are available in various power levels, allowing for faster charging times. Public chargers can be found in parking lots, petrol pumps, shopping centers, city streets, commercial complexes and other public areas. They provide a reliable and accessible charging infrastructure, enabling LEV owners to charge their vehicles while away from home. The power rating of public chargers typically ranges from 3.3kW to 12kW and these chargers take 1 – 3 hrs to charge an LEV.
  4. AC Sockets/ AC chargers: These are the points where one can access AC electricity in a safe and controlled manner. These are used in conjunction with portable or onboard chargers. Since no power conversion happens in these chargers, we will not focus on these type of chargers in this blog. If you want to know more, let us know and we will create an another blog dedicated to AC chargers and sockets. Power rating is usually 3.3kW (16A socket) for LEV applications.

Typical Specification of a DC Charger for an LEV:

Each form factor serves a specific purpose, offering convenience, integration, or widespread accessibility. The availability of different charger form factors ensures that LEV owners have multiple options for charging their vehicles, enhancing the usability and practicality of light electric vehicles in daily lives.

What is a Power Converter?

In the realm of EV chargers, the power converter serves as a crucial component . Its primary function is to convert incoming electrical power into a form suitable for charging an EV’s battery. In this section, we will delve into the fundamental aspects of a power converter, exploring its role and significance in the context of an EV charger.

A power converter, specifically designed for EV charging, acts as the intermediary between the electrical grid (AC power source) and the EV battery. It plays a vital role in ensuring efficient and reliable power transfer while adhering to safety standards and charging protocols. The primary purpose of the power converter is to transform the alternating current (AC) supplied by the electrical grid into the direct current (DC) required for charging the EV battery. This conversion process involves intricate electronic circuitry and power semiconductor devices that control the flow and characteristics of the electrical energy.

Efficiency, reliability, and safety are critical considerations when designing a power converter for an EV charger. The converter must operate efficiently to minimize energy losses during the conversion process, ensuring maximum power delivery to the EV battery. Additionally, it must exhibit robustness and reliability to withstand various environmental conditions and voltage fluctuations.

Moreover, meeting safety standards is of utmost importance in EV charging systems. The power converter must incorporate protective features such as surge protection, short-circuit prevention, overvoltage and undervoltage protection, and temperature monitoring. These measures ensure safe and reliable charging operations, safeguarding both the EV and the charging infrastructure.

The power converter must also comply with specific charging standards and protocols, such as those defined by organizations like the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) or the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Adhering to these standards ensures compatibility and interoperability across different EV models and charging infrastructures.

As EV adoption continues to grow, the development of advanced power converters becomes increasingly crucial. Continuous research and innovation focused on enhancing the efficiency, reliability, and safety of power converters while reducing their size, weight, and cost is pivotal. These advancements aim to provide seamless and accessible charging experiences, promoting the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

In the upcoming sections of this blog series, we will explore the intricacies of power converter circuits, the various components and technologies involved, and explore the emerging trends and future prospects of EV chargers. Join us as we unravel the fascinating world of the EV charging technology that unlocks a sustainable and electrified future.
